Identity Security Solutions for Utility Companies

Ddigital identity Management for the government and public sectors.




A cyberattack on your utility infrastructure can trigger a ripple effect — it can impact thousands of lives and lead to the loss of critical assets. With Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and the Internet of Things (IoT), identity security for utility companies has become crucial. Regulatory agencies have made it even more complex with mandates that change with evolving threats, yet outdated approaches to privileged access management persist. 

Bravura Privilege changes the standard with one solution for dynamic resource access management.



Protect Crucial Assets and Systems With Bravura Privilege

Today's modern privileged access management (PAM) challenges need contemporary, innovative answers. With Bravura Privilege, you give your organization a single comprehensive tool for PAM. Implement it to:

  • Eliminate inside attack risks: Our platform generates random passwords and keeps them in an encrypted vault. It can also shield passwords from the user while supporting a single sign-on experience.
  • Enforce multifactor authentication (MFA): Our solution takes security to the next level by enforcing adaptive MFA. This approach authenticates across numerous criteria, such as device type and user role for heightened access security.
  • Keep passwords in a secure vault:  Bravura Privilege automatically injects an unseen password when the user meets your established MFA protocols. The platform also has the capacity to automatically rotate credentials to reduce vulnerability.
  • Reinforce a zero-trust mindset: You configure the platform to support the principle of least privilege and a belief that all data deserves protection. Our solution is flexible, with one-time request approvals or ongoing access to mission-critical data based on user roles and responsibilities.
  • Support comprehensive access auditing: Our innovative technology monitors who signed into a system, when and what they did with the information. You get complete visibility into privileged sessions to automatically create an audit trail and enhance user accountability.
  • Manage your IT and OT networks: Our tried-and-true connector proxy technology targets your IT and OT networks to establish an encrypted connection for communications. Work tracking programs, office software, electrical substations and more can be connected as lightly or deeply as needed using standard and well-known protocols.
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Explore the Benefits for Your Organization

Bravura Privilege gives you benefits like:

  • Cloud-based scalability: Utility companies often have hundreds of employees across locations. Add and retire credentials quickly as needed.
  • Protection versatility: Securing data across various platforms and systems is a common challenge. Safeguard modern and legacy infrastructure alike with a simple user interface.
  • Improved security and regulatory posture: Pressures on utility companies are varied and unique. Deploy our solution to proactively harden your systems against threats and meet industry compliance expectations.
  • Organizational customization: No two organizations are alike in their data security approaches. Tailor our technology to meet your needs with customized parameters that support your security policy enforcement.

Optimize Your Software With Companion Technology

Bravura Privilege is part of our end-to-end identity and access management solution, Bravura Security Fabric. This platform is a single answer to resource access management, letting you: 

Level up Confidential Data Protection With Bravura Privilege

Schedule Your Free Demo of Bravura Privilege Today

See how our innovative technology transforms PAM for utilities with a personal demonstration of our solution in action.

Contact a Bravura Security expert today to reserve your demo.

Ready to Future-Proof Your College or University?

Case Studies & Resources

Case Study

Learn how one institution built a solutions-driven culture with modern identity access management.

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Case Study

After 20 years and across two organizations, the University of California San Francisco modernized its identity strategy.

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Case Study

Learn about how this university empowered its students and increased security with Bravura Security solutions.

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Case Study

Learn how the American Museum of Natural History reduced costs and improved security.

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C-Suite Survey Results

There's a gap between best practices & IAM processes at institutions in North America.

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