Re-imagining: Passwords, Defense, and Your Culture of Security



As cybersecurity threats continue to escalate, traditional password management strategies are failing to keep pace. Our expert discussion delves into the heart of password safety issues, unveiling the stark reality: a significant portion of breaches stem from inadequate password management. With 86% of analyzed passwords lacking uniqueness and 21% easily guessed, the call for a transformative approach to password security is clear.

This webinar explores how to engage users with a password-free feel that also serves as a stringent, first line of defense. Learn how to create a dynamic security culture that empowers users to rely on innovative and automated best practices that transform your password management defenses.

We explore how to revolutionizes password practices by introducing password rotation—a feature usually reserved for Privileged Access Management (PAM)—into everyday password management, empowering users with continual access to password vaults and administrators with one-click re-secure capabilities to halt breaches before investigations even begin. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Understand the current state of password management and its pitfalls including the human element 
  • Gain insights into the disconnect between user responsibility and organizational accountability 
  • Review the essential shift from expecting users to manage complex passwords to empowering them with smart, user-friendly solutions 
  • Learn how to dramatically reduce help desk call volumes and improve productivity with innovative password management solutions 

Why Watch 

If you're seeking to align password management with your business's security objectives and drive urgency in addressing password-related risks, this webinar is a must-see. 


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Bryan Christ

Bravura Security

Sales Engineer

Bryan specializes in security and access governance. For more than twenty years, he has focused on open-source and software development opportunities with an emphasis on project management, team leadership, and executive oversight including experience as  a VCIO in the Greater Houston area. He was recently published in Cyber Security: A Peer-Reviewed Journal.


Ian Reay

Bravura Security

Chief Technology Officer

Ian is a key member of the executive leadership team, accountable for leading a mature, scalable, and high-performing development organization, delivering all engineering-related activities. He started out as a developer with the company in 2006 and has taken on increasingly large roles in developing the company’s identity, privilege, password, and passwordless strategies and solutions. Ian's responsibilities include setting technology and tooling direction, prioritizing feature requests, managing release scope and timelines, the build infrastructure and UI/UX. 

  Webinar Poll Insights  

Clarifying the Gap Between Individual Responsibility for Passwords and Organizational Accountability

During the webinar, a series of interactive polls were conducted to gauge the disconnect between password user responsibility and organizational accountability.

Uncover the current pulse of password security with insights derived from our comprehensive poll, designed to highlight the challenges and attitudes influencing security practices. See how your organization measures up.

Assessing Trust and Accountability in Password Security

Amidst moderate confidence in password best practices and notable concerns about responsibility-accountability alignment, enhancing trust in password security emerges as a critical priority.

Poll Results 1

Transforming Password Culture: Empowerment Through Smart Technology

Our exploration into password practices has revealed a landscape as complex as the cognitive networks involved in memory. Just as we have transitioned from memorizing phone numbers to entrusting them to our smartphones, we should similarly evolve our approach to password management. Employees now anticipate a password experience that aligns with the effortless and intuitive interactions they have with their personal devices. By equipping them with user-friendly password vaults, we're essentially enhancing their digital memory, allowing them to manage credentials with greater ease and security. This shift goes beyond mere policy—it cultivates an environment where robust password security is seamlessly integrated into daily work life.


Request a Solution Showcase 

Ready to revolutionize your password security? Don't let outdated practices leave your organization vulnerable. Schedule a solution showcase to learn how our innovative approach can transform your employees into proactive defenders of your digital realm and put the power of one-click re-secure in your hands.