Automating Identity Security in Academia: Product Showcase
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Unlock Instant Value: Low-Cost, Low-Risk, High-Impact Identity Solution
Turn Identity Analytics Into Security Actions
See Bravura Security in Action
Universities and colleges need solutions that are carefully designed to strengthen security without hindering academic goals or administrative efficiency for faculty, students, and staff. During the recent EDUCAUSE Demo Day Cybersecurity Tools event, Bravura Security highlighted how our solutions cater to the distinctive needs of universities and colleges. The session showcased the Bravura Security Fabric, including Bravura Cloud. Presented by Solution Engineer Bryan Christ and Chief Technology Officer Ian Reay, offers a tool for continuous improvement that not only provides daily and quarterly insights into an institution's security posture. As an Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) planning solution, Bravura Security Fabric assists in identifying security gaps and is pivotal in strategizing the selection of components for a robust Identity Security architecture.
Ian Reay, Chief Technology Officer, Bravura Security
Bryan Christ, Senior Identity Solutions Engineer, Bravura Security
Gain Immediate Value without Disrupting your Current Environment
The demonstration begins featuring an analytics engine adept at providing universities and colleges with a dashboard replete with insightful data. Engineered to meld with existing legacy, homegrown systems, and other IDPs like Okta seamlessly, Bravura Cloud equips users with a holistic view of an institution's identity infrastructure, pinpointing inefficiencies in provisioning and endorsing a data-centric methodology for enhancing operational effectiveness.
Affiliation Engine and the Intricacies of Entitlement Management
The Affiliation Engine is a solution adept at navigating the intricacies of managing overlapping entitlements endemic to educational settings. The engine aims to automate and simplify identity lifecycle management processes, adeptly supporting the management of an ever-growing roster of identities that educational institutions, particularly alumni systems, must maintain indefinitely.
The Unique Cybersecurity Hurdles of Higher Education
The distinct hurdles that universities and colleges face in identity and cyber security, such as staffing constraints, funding shortages, and a dependence on home grown systems can be a notable. An automation-first ethos for addressing identity and access management and governance challenges, underscores how automation enhances backend proficiency and enriches the user experience.
Streamlining Compliance Amidst a Sea of Regulations
With educational institutions besieged by an avalanche of regulations, Bravura Security's offerings simplify adherence by homing in on the crux of compliance: identities, entitlements, and privacy-centric frameworks. Bravura Cloud empowers institutions to automate compliance, ensuring audit readiness through comprehensive dashboards and reporting tools.
A Modular, Integrated Security Fabric
The Bravura Security Fabric presents a holistic solution ensemble that encompasses identity management, password governance, privileged access management, and FIDO2 MFA solutions—all highly customizable and capable of integrating with the existing digital identity ecosystem.
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Thank you for joining us for another session of Educos Demo Day Cybersecurity Tools.
My name is Jason Martin.
I'm an online event production manager at Educos.
Please as always, use that chat to share comments and ask questions for our presenters.
If you would like to use the closed captioning, please click the CC live transcript button on the bottom of the Zoom room.
And now please join me and welcoming our presenters from Bavira Security.
Brian, over to you.
Hey, Jason, Thanks for the introduction.
My name is Brian Crist.
I am a Sales Engineer at Brvora Security and I am joined today by Ian Ray, who is our CTO.
Carolyn, if you want, if you'll go ahead and move us on to the next slide.
Yep, keep going.
Just briefly introduce who we are.
So Brvora Security, we've been in the identity access management and credential space for nearly three decades.
Some of these logos here will no doubt look familiar to many of you that have joined us today.
And having worked with these folks during that, you know, 3030 plus years has given us a sort of a front row seat at the table.
And that has really allowed us to do some interesting things with the Bravura security fabric, which is comprised of these components that you see here.
Our latest introduction is Bravura Cloud.
We'll be taking a look at that in the demo today and it is dashboarding analytics Engine that has got some special features that are are great for affiliations and institutions of higher learning.
Also with Bervera Identity, we have introduced an affiliation engine which is specifically tuned to deal with things like overlapping entitlements.
And also one of our additions to the Bervera Security fabric as of recent, which is Bervera Safe, which will help your organization, both students, faculty and others manage decentralized secrets, if you will.
Carolyn, we're just going to keep moving on, keep going.
One of the things that this front row seat has allowed us to do is to really understand many of the challenges of your organization.
I'm not going to read all of these bullets here up on the screen for the sake of time.
I trust that you can do that.
I will make one simple comment here, which is while zero trust has maybe lost its luster in terms of the buzzwords along with least privilege, what we are finding nevertheless, institutions are very much concerned about the principles and the frameworks of these things.
And, and so we've we've kept that in mind as we've continued to refine our offering.
If you could generally, Yep, one of the things that is somewhat unique in our, our mind about higher education.
So in the life cycle of identity, the jointer mover lever processes themselves aren't sort of unique in terms of what happens, although maybe something like, you know, the overlap of entitlements that you find with the affiliations.
I think that's that probably is unique.
But then all the other aspects of the join remove reliever process.
What we see is there's just this amplification of the problem space.
In other words, institutions of learning deal with the bulk onboarding and offboarding of really large populations like no other vertical out there.
Also, because of your alumni systems of records, you tend to have systems where it is ever expanding, never shrinking set of identities that will need to be managed long term, if not infinitely.
Carolyn, if you'll keep moving, some of the other things that we see happening in higher education I think will ring true.
And this first one here is an issue of staffing and funding.
You can almost think of that one as a catalyst for some of these other problems that we see here.
So the the organizations we speak with, they are very, very much aware of the the various challenges that they face.
And because of things like staffing and funding, they will often turn to home grown solutions.
I like to, in a live audience, I like to raise my hand and say how many people struggle with home grown systems and just about every hand in the room goes up.
But also disparate solutions because of the home grown nature of these systems that are also often engineered where there where integration with other departments or other business units is somewhat of an afterthought.
And ultimately, at the end of the day, there seems to be quite a bit of institutional knowledge in it.
You know, there may be, you know, a handful of folks that built these systems and there's no manual for it.
It's sort of just all lives with them.
And that can be quite scary when you're thinking about the longevity of your identity program.
Keep going.
And so this is where the perverse security fabric comes into play.
And we have a unique perspective, which is an automation first approach to solving those problems.
So instead of dealing with identity and access management reactively in terms of certification and attestation, we think in terms of automating, you know that joiner move reliever process including streamlining access.
And so there's sort of this reciprocal thing that happens.
You're seeing a bunch of different concepts here up on the slide, but, but ultimately, if I streamline access, then I'm increasing efficiency and productivity on the back end.
Same with things like support and, and privacy and inclusion.
You know, if those things are being handled in a sort of self-service capacity for the end user, then you're taking that load off of the back end, you're improving the, the user experience.
And so I off, you know, as we were thinking through this slide deck, I really almost wanted to to redesign it in such a way that you could understand that these are integrated feedback mechanisms for one another, but ultimately powered and enabled by automation.
If you could, Carolyn, this particular slide here when we first sort of planned it out, we're talking, you know, it's, it's designed to highlight, you know, the fact that we recognize that there is an enormous amount of regulation that faces your particular vertical.
It can be overwhelming and this slide itself can be overwhelming.
And so we thought, well, maybe we should redesign this slide so it's not less busy is so it's less busy.
And then I sort of kind of paused on that and said, you know what, let's make it busy because we know that these, this is how these folks are feeling.
They're feeling overwhelmed.
And but we have good news, right?
And so the good news is this, if you take really any regulation and you, you boil it down to its fundamentals, they're typically concerned with a few things.
They're concerned with things like identities and, and entitlements and enforcing organizations to to embrace strong controls and then pushing, you know, the organizations towards a very a privacy centric model.
And I would argue that that's actually an outcome of doing a good governance on entitlements because really privacy is just an access control around what someone else can see about someone else, right?
So in terms of, you know, the regulation, the challenges or the the questions that are being put in these regulations to organizations is do you know who your users are?
How are you authenticating them?
What entitlements do they have?
Where do they come from?
And how did you authorize them to have those entitlements?
So you really can boil it all down to that.
And again, the good news is if you've been automating all of this stuff, the jointer remover lever processes and then you could got good dashboards and analytics tools that all of you know, then then you don't really have to worry about it.
Those particular things just become second nature.
When you do have an audit, you can simply hand over access to that dashboarding analytics reporting mechanism and, and, and then you, they can do the spot check to ensure that you're complying in all the various different ways.
Carolyn, if you will, We'll, we'll move on to the next deal.
So we wanted to sort of power through the presentation, make sure that we left ample time because we know that you folks came to see a showcase of, of our product.
And so I'm going to turn it over to Ian Ray, who is going to take you on a tour of Vera Cloud, which I mentioned earlier has been specifically tuned to surface some of the things that we know are important to your organization.
So over to you, Ian.
Thank you, Brian.
I'll just share my screen here.
OK, Brian, can I just confirm you can see my screen?
I can see your screen.
Thank you.
So welcome to our reverse Security fabric demo to dive into how our innovative Converge platform can help you create a positive and seamless digital experience for your students, faculty and staff from day one.
In particular, here, we're going to start off with our identity analytics tool for cloud.
We can help show how it can assist you in gaining insight and control over your existing the spread systems and home grown solutions without hindering your academic mission or existing business operations.
So let's get started.
We'll begin with our password list authentication experience, a fishing resistant approach to streamlining access to prefer his ecosystem.
We all support.
We can support all modern forms of authentication, including Fido 2 based solutions and identity brokering via other ID PS such as Shibboleth, Azure, and Okta.
In this case, we're going to authenticate with Windows Hello, and now that we've logged in, you can see an environment that is representative of an institution starting its identity security journey.
The Rich Analytics Dashboard is the first thing you see as a Director of Identity, or CSO.
When you log in, you want to ensure your institution's identity health is immediately visible.
Be sure to see the parts that are working well, the parts that are improving, and the parts that might require a little bit of work.
In this dashboard, first we'll show you a series of performance.
KP is, secondly, show you who isn't, who is and isn't compliant with your policies.
Third, showing you the scope of the current identity program.
And finally, showing metrics about your day-to-day business operations.
This dashboard helps you understand holistically where you currently stand, for better or for worse.
And then you can start to plan your IGA future.
For example, you can see that in this environment, provisioning times are a challenge.
81.9 hours is pretty high average.
Lengthy times for provision access can really impact productivity and increase everybody's frustration.
Visualizing and quantifying how long provisioning takes helps make a compelling case for investing in identity automation.
Nobody wants idle people waiting for their access to be granted and this data-driven approach is key to conveying the value and effectiveness of the system to sea level and trustee decision makers.
Diving deeper, you can see Access Dedicated or you can access dedicated Provisioning Dashboard.
The specialized view offers powerful insights into where friction might be developing in your user populations.
Additionally, those who don't have affiliations at all might be falling through the cracks.
By surfacing these insights, yourself and your team members connect quickly and easily.
For example, we can easily see the faculty provisioning as pain point.
276 hours to provision access is getting high.
You can drill into the provisioning requests to gain better insights about what is causing the friction.
As you can see, 232 hours on average is taken to authorize provisioning requests and this is the primary friction point of your faculty on boarding experience.
This is a classic sign of hidden friction caused by inefficient business processes.
Maybe Vanessa and her peers have to follow hidden paperwork trail since they all seem to take around the same amount of time to approve requests.
The dashboard is also telling us something else.
Once you solve your authorization problem, you can see that it's still taken on an average 29 hours to complete the provisioning actions.
This is pretty common when access is being provisioned manually by system administrators.
Visibility into this data breaks down these complex problems in your existing identity workflows and helps you plan for improvements, which could include building a case for automation to take your provisioning time from days to minutes.
And this is where our 30 years of experience with automation can really help because we've seen and done it all with modern and legacy platforms, including such challenging platforms and mainframes and homespun systems.
So now after going through this exercise, you may now have questions about who is in this affiliation.
So let's drill into this population in our affiliation diaspora.
You can immediately see key insights such as your current, your future and your past members, your metrics such as provisioning and deprovisioning time, as well as how adherent this population is to your policies.
From the single dashboard, you can see some pretty impressive aggressive growth goals in this faculty or something might not be quite right in your system of record.
We've also talked about your poor access provisioning time.
Your deprovisioning time is acceptable, but maybe not great.
A good rule of thumb is you should be able to deprovision access in less than 24 hours and there is some pretty problematic adherence to password policies.
So let's drill into a few of these questions.
So first of all, we provide you lists of your active members and your future members so you can do spot checks and understand does it look like the system of record is correct?
Do we have the people we expect to see?
And with respect to the future members, are the future members, you know, do these make sense?
Are they real?
Do you have a problem?
By surfacing this information quickly and easily, people can drill into this and determine what's upcoming in the near future.
And then also we can Scroll down into compliance breakdowns.
You can see areas where compliance is quite good.
Identify, you know, a couple people who might need a small touch up.
But we can also drill into the password policy problem.
And we can see from the trends that this has been a problem for a while.
It's not necessarily getting any worse, but it's certainly not getting any better.
And in this list, you can see the people who are failing the password or failing this compliance rule, people who aren't meeting what you need to as part of your governance programs.
And so from here, you can quickly take different types of actions, such as drilling in and seeing the details of that person, maybe going in and doing a help desk assistant password reset, submitting a request through our identity to to disable this user's access or go into the inventory UI and drilling in and seeing the full history of what's happened with them.
Or you might go and create a ticket in your ticketing system.
Depending on where you're at with your existing solutions, what your current processes are, these actions all become possible.
And we, and this is a key guiding light in terms of the for a security fabric.
When you see a problem, we want to give you immediate strategies for solving these problems.
We also want to make it sure it's an open platform that allows you to leverage your existing services you may already have in place.
Now you may also have a question around what about what the password policy is?
Can it be edited?
And then can can I build up my own policies?
The answer to all of this is yes, So let's drill into that now.
And so now we have navigated into our identity inventory service.
It provides you a portal to see your inventory of identities and compliance rules.
And we have jumped specifically into the faculty password policy compliance rule.
Compliance rules are built on two fundamental components.
1st is the preferred cloud is built on an API first strategy using Graph QL.
As you can see, you're using our extendable Graph QLAPI to query needed information to assess an identity's password, policy compliance status.
And the second is that we're leveraging Open Policy Agent, otherwise known as OPA, a highly respected policy engine with a vibrant community and extensive sets of best practices.
The output of the API is then passed into the OPA policy and then we can evaluate it to determine is the person compliant or not.
The flexibility afforded by Graph QL and our data storage strategy allows or provides you with exceptional growth opportunities such as in 3rd party risk assessments being brought in.
Take for example, some people use Pincastle risk assessments.
The outcome, the insights and outcomes from those assessments can be imported into Provera Cloud and factored into your compliance rules.
Or we could bring in 3rd party certification assessments.
If you're certifying the existence or need for different types of identities and other products, you can bring that content into here.
And if you're lacking that ability entirely right now, Provera Identity can assist you with filling in that gap here.
And furthermore, through data federation strategy, we can consult in real time the security information held in your scene systems such as Splunk or Elastic.
That information might be too large to bring in Provera Cloud, but Provera Cloud can reach out and request the necessary information to then feed that into the compliance rules on an on demand basis.
By combining these components, you get a flexible and highly scalable approach for driving continuous compliance that you can trust.
Furthermore, with this API for strategy ensures that data can be easily incorporated into other solutions that make up your digital landscape.
For example, if your reporting happens to be through Tableau, our Graph QLAPIS make it very easy to extract that knowledge and to make it available for your existing reporting needs.
And since our APIs provide fine grain level access controls.
To all of the data that underpins per Vera Cloud, you can have confidence that these systems you integrate in are only being given access to the data that is needed for their operations.
These scenarios and experiences are then assembled into compliance rule packages that can fast track your organization into assessing how well you're doing.
Other examples you might want to include identifying scenarios when name and pronoun changes have not been consistently updated through all of your systems.
Identifying people who are over privileged in their current role that they hold in the institution.
This can be pretty common when people might be with an institution for 20 years or more.
Often they accumulate rights and privileges well beyond what is normal for their role.
So being able to detect those and alert on those is very important, especially when those are privileged entitlements.
Furthermore, identifying privileged groups that have not had their memberships renewed recently or identifying security groups that have no memberships maybe should be cleaned up to make your life's easier.
Those things are easier, easy to surface now and report on.
Using these this compliance rule strategy, we can also surface accounts and like service and shared accounts that might go unnoticed in many existing identity platforms because often identity platforms focus on human accounts.
But our unique system level approach that allows us to see and discover and then provide these rich analytics and compliance checks apply to all accounts and and on the system regardless of their purpose.
That way you've got you can have confidence that things aren't falling through the cracks.
And furthermore, with data retention policies being so important, being able to detect and ensure that accounts and their data are following your workflow as appropriate, that the status on accounts that the removal of content is following your policies and procedures is important now and only going to get more important in the future here.
So this is key to how Provera Cloud can surface value from your existing investments while coexisting with your existing operations.
Data from your other platforms can be brought into Provera Cloud and this means there is no need to disrupt your operations with expensive and time consuming solution replacement or augmentation projects.
Provera Cloud can become a fundamental part in your IGA planning and continuous improvement practices.
As you can see, we've only just scratched the surface of what Pervera Cloud and the Pervera Security Fabric can do for you and your institution.
You've seen it in quick introduction to some of our analytics.
We'd really love to showcase more of this tool that we can help to further your journey.
Or how about our modular best in class identity management, password governance and privilege access management and Fido 2 MFA solutions can help you and your organization.
For those intrigued by the potential of how easily customizable dashboards, deeper policy insights and flexible integrations, we're happy to offer follow up sessions, get a little bit more hands on and to show you just how easy and powerful the perverse security fabric can be.
So thank you everybody for your time and certainly looking forward to answering a few questions here you might have.
Hey, thank you, Ian.
Appreciate it.
Yeah, folks, it's if you've got any questions, our, our moderator and host Jason is, is fielding those and is happy to put those in a place where we can go ahead and start answering those.
Just a little bit of time for folks to post those.
But yeah, so one of the questions that just came in here is this pricing based on number of users.
And so yes, in general through the Bervera Security Fabric, we price our services based on a per user pricing model here with the one exception being Bervera privilege that tends to be priced like we do offer per user pricing, but it tends to be priced on a per system basis that we integrate with because we're being asked to talk to a large number of sub systems, randomized passwords to introduce privilege access management in an organization.
And so if, if this stuff is interesting, of course we can follow up with you on some more specific scenarios.
All right, good question.
Anyone else?
So another one is, can you detail the security measures in place to protect sensitive data within pervert cloud.
So with the pervert security fabric, what we have done is taken a policy around single tenant based deployments of our solutions.
So you can host them in your own private environments if you need to or if you come or if you leverage us as our in our SAS base based hosting, then we provide each organization a dedicated tenant.
That way you can have confidence that your data will not be commingled or intertwined with other people's data, also ensuring a robust and performant platform where that that can be scalable.
In this specific case, Pervera Cloud is built on top of a Kubernetes based platform that allows for a highly scalable and also fault tolerant based hosting.
All right, we'll give it a few more minutes to see if anybody else has a question.
I'll throw this out there.
I know that as we were talking about this particular event and sort of brainstorming and anticipating what what individuals might ask us, one of the things we hear a lot is we have this old system.
We have you know some home grown system automation sounds good, but obviously there's no skim 2 standard or anything like that and we recognize that.
So one of that, one of the 30 year, you know the advantages of that 30 year heritage that we have is that we have built overtime our own connector repository.
It's about 150 connectors and growing, but it does include things like AS 400 SAP rack F mainframe, etcetera.
And then for things that we're not familiar with on the home grown side, we do have universal connectors that can leverage protocols like SQL and telnet and sort of other protocols that maybe have to be a little more coarse grained in order to talk to the systems.
But rarely one that we haven't, we haven't been able to do so with.
And of course once you get integration with those systems, automation can really make a huge benefit.
So, so let me throw that out there.
One thing I might also mention here is one of the key value items that people gain like that our customers continually come to us and and speak about is our automation centric strategy around reaching out and discovering the state of identities allows people to trust what really is in their environments.
It's not like once a quarter or once a year where you ask everybody to collect spreadsheets of who has access to what systems are our discovery that happens usually nightly or even more often than that.
And for certain platforms can allow you to have confidence that you know what is on the systems right now.
And then coupled that with the compliance rule capabilities that we showcased here allows people to start to build a continual compliance strategy that allows for them to surface out of bounds changes or potentially risky scenarios and be able to take action on them within 24 hours.
And that way you can really start to, you know, close some of your gaps.
And again, you might not be able to necessarily remove the, the, the, the out of bounds changes that are not adhering to policy.
But being able to see it quickly and doing that fast, then that allows you to get the right people involved to first of all, determine how that happened, as well as what's the right steps to fix that.
And so that can be very empowering and also to a lot of quick confidence inducing.
Yeah, I'll just add a touch to that because you know the the the two models and we I, I introduced this at the very beginning, which is the automation first model.
But I also talked about or hinted at another model which is sort of reactive, which is the attestation or certification model.
And the problem again with that approach is that it's not continual compliance.
At best, if you do some sort of round of attestation or certification, you're getting a, a portrait or a snapshot in time, if you will, of your identity and security posture.
And the moment that you on board, off board or move folks within your organization, it becomes, you know, completely obsolete.
So the approach that we're talking about here really lets you stay in continual compliance.
And then for the for the the outliers, the things that get serviced at surfaced in the dashboard and analytics, there's a rapid path to remediation.
So it's a very different approach than the, you know, certification first approach.
Good question.
I see.
Haley, I just asked a related question there.
So hopefully my answer you know, just happened to cover.
Any further questions?
OK, well, Jason or Carolyn, if you will, maybe you can share your screen.
We do have an offer for folks that have joined us today.
Yep, thank you, Carolyn.
So we do have an e-book that we have published on this topic and we would invite you to grab a copy at the URL you see here below.
And as Ian mentioned, you know, today was just the tip of the iceberg.
We really would like to showcase the entire reverse security fabric.
And so we encourage you to reach out.
Let us schedule something with you and, and, and paint a much larger, broader picture.
Jason, I think that concludes our content.
We'll go back to you.
Thank you so much.
Really appreciate it and thank you all for joining us.
Just a reminder to make sure and check out the resources from Bravera, Bravera Security, as well as our other presenters today on our course site.
The link is there, and it's also obviously where you came in to access today's demo.
Also, the recordings will be posted within an hour after the session, so feel free to share that with your colleagues and you'll also be able to be in touch with them through the resource page as well.
Other than that, thank you all so much, really appreciate it.
And take this opportunity please to complete the in session survey and give your feedback to Bravera.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you, Ian, Thank you, Brian, thank you, Carolyn, take care.
Thank you everybody.
Bye bye.
Request a Demo of Bravura Cloud Today
Discover how Bravura Cloud can transform your institution's security and efficiency to empower academia.
Request a demo today to see the benefits of automated onboarding, compliance, and risk management in action. Make your institution's identity governance a business enabler with the Bravura Security Fabric.